Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Weird MU Spell Lists

The bfrpg spell list is a collection of "classical" spells, developed by Wizardo the Wizardly and expanded upon by his apprentices. But many wizards are not apprentice-descendants from that first wizard and thereby must be self-taught, leading to spells of their own creation. Following are some of those spell lists:

Jungle Wizards

In the Jungle of Devastation, a town was founded by explorers and misfits and outcasts. Together they built something of a wizarding tradition, a combination of alchemy, goblin bugomancy, and dwarven tenacity.
Glhorb Galorna, first goblin bugomancer of the jungle

First Level Spells

  • Spider Climb: Touch range, lasts 1 turn/level, the target creature can climb walls and ceilings at full speed like a spider.
  • Voice Transference: Touch a willing target and steal their voice for a duration of 1 day/level, or until the caster gives it up. For the duration, the caster can speak in the targets voice and the target is unable to speak (useful when combined with illusion spells/disguises).
  • Shieldshield's Shield: As Shield but conjures a pair, doubling the bonuses to AC. They appear in the caster's hands and for the duration they cannot hold anything else, cast anything else, etc.
  • Speak With Stones: As Speak With Animals but only works on rocks, gargoyles, earth elementals, etc. If cast on a nonsentient stone it imparts the ability to speak and think in a very limited manner.

Second Level Spells

  • Web: As normal
  • Wizard Lock: As normal
  • Poison Fang: Touched target grows poisonous fangs for 1 round/level. This melee attack deals 1d6+str damage on a hit and forces a save vs poison, the enemy going blind for 1 turn/level on a failure.
  • Potionify: Cast in concurrence with another spell (or with a willing ally's spell) and turn it into a potion. It retains potency for 1 hour/level, and imparts the effects of the original spell to the drinker (this may be used in malevolent ways, like tricking an enemy into drinking a potion of Fireball). 

Third Level Spells

  • Hive Mind: Yourself and 1 touched creature per level gain telepathy with each other, for a duration of 1 hour/level while within 1 mile of each other.
  • Swarm Form: As Polymorph Self, but can only turn the caster into a swarm of insects with 3HD. Lasts 1 minute/level, and you may choose whether the insects are fast, flying, or poisonous (save vs poison or take 1d6 poison damage each round while within the swarm).
  • Elver's Quickened Transmutation: Transmutes a 1' cube of any of the following substances into any other one, for a duration of 1 day/level: stone, wood, dirt, flesh. If cast on a creature they gain a save vs petrify to resist and will not instantly die, but rather be disabled as their limb/body/head/etc is unusable.

Moon Giant Apprentices

There once was a giant who saw too much and was banished to the moon. There he researched and learnt over the countless eternities but his magic was not that of elemental manipulation but lunar manipulation, creating twisted and unusual sorts of spells. He eventually escaped back to the regular world, and has spread his knowledge to those apprentices with no other options.

First Level

  • Voting Disc: Conjures a disc of magical force for 5 turns +1/level. It has the inexplicable rights to vote in any election, council meeting, party discussion, etc. It is very prone to suggestion.
  • Tragic Mouth: A target within 30' must save vs spell or be cursed to only speak pessimistically for 1 hour/level. This grants a -2 to morale to any retainers/army/etc under their command.
  • Floating Bisque: Conjures a bisque (the soup) that floats tantalizingly out of reach for 5 turns + 1/level. Useful for rations if it can be caught, or to lure monsters or similar.

Second Level

  • Miasmal Force: The caster summons a terrible miasma into any shape that fits within a 20'x20'x20' cube. As long as the caster concentrates on it they may move the cloud at a rate of 30' a round and reshape it to their will, but when concentration is broken (eg they cast a spell, take damage, etc) the cloud dissipates. Anyone who begins their turn in the cloud or moves into it on their turn must save vs poison or be sickened and have -2 to attacks, saves, etc for that round, and creatures 3HD or under save or fall to the ground vomiting and useless until the cloud is dispersed.
  • Lizard Lock: A door, chest, or portal within 20' is magically filled with lizards. You may place 1 HD/level worth of lizards (be they giant, small, or a swarm of tiny ones) into the lock. The caster of the spell and any who speak a designated passcode may pass freely, but anyone else who attempts to open the door will be greeted by the lizards attacking them. If the intruder is killed or driven away the surviving lizards will return to the door. If any lizard touches the door, they must save vs spells or be trapped by its magic as well.

Third Level

  • Mold Person: 1 target/level within 60' must save vs spells or be affected with horrible mold. Any organic materials must save or be destroyed, and they take 1d6 damage at the beginning of each round for 3 rounds.
  • Baste: Either choose 1d4 targets within 180', or 1 target who saves at -2. Targets save vs spells or be basted with delicious sauce for 2d8 turns, causing all monsters motivated by food to immediately attack them (though not mindlessly, they may still retreat).
  • Protection from Formal Missiles: As Protection from Normal Missiles, but can block thrown boulders, ballista bolts, etc as well. But it only blocks missiles fired by those holding an official rank of prestige within an army or similar, that comes with badges and titles and formal wear.

G.U.A.R.D.S Agent Standard

When Zorthaniel the Iridescent helped found the G.U.A.R.D.S., he compiled his teachings and assorted apprentices into a regimented spellcasting force to aid with their world-stabilizing mission. The spell list was developed to aid with their infiltration and heists, including normally forbidden spells for the sake of the greater good.

First Level

  • Charm Person: as normal
  • Sleep: as normal
  • Accursed Snakification of Limbs: Make an attack roll to hit a target, if touched they must save vs spell. On a failure, 1d4 limbs detach themselves and turn into 1HD snakes for 1 round/level who have no obligation to the caster. Regardless of if the target fails the save or not, an equivalent number of the caster's limbs are affected as well. If a limb can be retrieved before the duration expires and re-attached to the original body, it will be functional when the spell ends. If not, it is dead.
When you have been affected by Accursed Snakification of Limbs

Second Level

  • ESP: As normal
  • Invisibility: As normal
  • Obscure Item: A target touched item no larger than a watermelon appears like another similar-sized mundane item for 1/hour per level, fooling the senses in every way but touch. A sword made to look like a broom will still cut, a torch will not glow but will still burn, etc. This hides magical auras from detection. 

Third Level

  • Fly: As normal
  • Hold Person: As normal
  • Golemancy: Creates a golem out of a patch pure element (magma, ice, wood, clouds, lightning, metal, or blood), having 2 HD per caster level. The caster must sacrifice 1d4 points of intelligence, wisdom, or charisma to impart their golem with a mind, and the golem follows the caster's instructions with perfect loyalty. This ability score loss is permanent and cannot be reverted until the golem is destroyed.

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